Saturday, February 26, 2011


That's so weird about your misinterpretation of the Verdana font, Rayo. I had the same issue: I always thought the Georgia font was Arkansas.

I've decided I hate hotels, for one main reason, really - which I'll get to in a sec.

I used to love 'em. Big fan of a room that houses a big bed and big TV and me making a mess without having to clean up much. Almost feels like college. Plus, it meant that I was on some sort of adventure - that I was traveling somewhere, and I love to travel.

But then, I saw a show dealing with what's in hotel rooms that we don't see. Well - not without turning off the lights and shining one of those blue-light thingys around. It's then you see the stains. Many, many stains.

One of the first things I do when I get to a hotel room now is pull off the bedspread.

I also like to wipe down the one item that this show said has the most bacteria. This item, more than any other in a hotel room, contains every known gross thing humans can produce.

It's not the toilet seat.

Not the door handle.

Not even Rayo's bum.

It's the TV remote, which, according to this show, never gets cleaned.

I'm getting worse and worse with my issues with germs. Thing is, I don't mind my germs at all. Quite fond of 'em, actually. But any public anything gives me the heebie-jeebies.

Anyway, sorry I've been gone so long, two people who are following us. I appreciate your calls and letters (and by that I mean your extreme indifference).

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