Monday, February 7, 2011

Fight the power

Well, there's another thing we share: I didn't drink in high school, either!


Should I explain "hyeeeeaaaah" to our follower(s)? Oh wait: she knows what it means.

(And Gleeboy, perhaps it's time we trademark that baby).

Actually, we do have something in common from our high school days: I, too, decided against honors English.

My first high school, Warren, didn't even have honors/AP level classes (love those high standards!) Then my next high school, London, did have honors, but no AP. When I moved there for my junior year, I was placed in the honors track after a few weeks. The same teacher taught both college prep and honors ... and she taught the same stories/papers for both classes. In fact, when I was moved to honors with that same teacher, that class was a full two weeks behind the college prep class. So for two weeks, I was taught the same material we had already covered in college prep. Made the homework and tests rather easy for me!

After my junior year, we students were informed for honors senior year, we had to read a book over the summer, and we'd be tested on the book on the first day of school. Weh-heh-hell ... not so fast my friend, I said to the powers-that-be. You will not infringe upon my summer, I declared, and so I didn't read the book. That's me, rebellious Freddie, taking it to the man.

First day of school: test on the book. Second day of school: Freddie dropped out because he totally bombed the test and took college prep. That's me, rebellious Freddie, taking it to the man.

By the way, just like with junior year, the same teacher who taught senior honors also taught college prep. She was bitter for some reason that I had dropped out of honors. She didn't do anything about it ... until the end of the semester, when I had a 92.3% (you needed a 93% for an A). When I went to her to see if she'd round up my grade to a 93, she said, "The grade is what it is, and it will stand as it is."

That's me, rebellious Freddie, shuffling off and sobbing after the man takes it to me.

I obviously didn't take an AP test at London - I don't think I even knew what AP was - but I did, like you Rayo, learn about the placement test at Miami at the last minute. I took the test, too ... and got 3 hours of extra credit, unlike your 6 hours.

I guess you got the looks and the brains.

And excuuuuuuuuse me about the font switch. Sheesh! I suppose you'll punish me by purposely typing slower until I can get around you?


  1. Hyeeahh. I actually did not drink in HS. And took AP classes. My English AP score earned me 9 hours of credit at the superior BGSU. Mind you, I had 18 credits total from all AP scores, so was technically a sophomore by January of my freshman year.

    Yes, I am and was a nerd.

    I've said it once and I 'll say it never would have worked for me and Freddie if we'd met at any other time in life other than when we did.

  2. This is all very true by my wife. (Nice use of the "hyeeahh" by the way. And you now owe us $2 since I've copyrighted it).

    I remember, when I got my 3 hours of credit freshman year, thinking that I should a full 16-hour schedule. Instead, I took only 13 hours. And, if I recall, my GPA after the first semester was around a 2.2.
