Sunday, January 23, 2011

Who we be

Rayo, I suppose we should introduce ourselves, yes? (Even though our current audience of one - which is one more person than who usually listens to us - already knows who we are).

Rayo and I met in college. We had many things in common, other than being hazed together as pledges of Delta Chi (actually, Delta Chi abolished hazing in - what was the year? 1932? I know we had to memorize that while doing pushups and chugging Everclear. You'd think the date would come back to me quite easily).

Our common threads that we discovered about each other in those heady days of the early '90s:

* both drove a station wagon
* both had terminally bad hair
* both absolutely loved the Reds and Bengals
* both had the same winter coat

Rayo, I know I'm forgetting other things. Must be all that Everclear.

Anyway, the friendship blossomed from there, namely due to Rayo's introducing me to Skyline after Friday classes with Hugh Morgan in Bachelor Hall, our rather naive forays to Pittsburgh for Steeler-Bengal games, and our general disdain for most humans.

We're now on the cusp of 40 years old, which means we've been friends for more than half our lives. I'm in Cincinnati; Rayo's in Michigan, just north of Ann Arbor. We're both married, and Rayo has four fabulous children, while I have two. See? We're heterosexual, darn it!

Anything else you want to add, Gleeboy? (Oh yeah! That's my nickname for Rayo, since we were both in the Glee Club together at Miami).

Yep. Definitely heterosexual.

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